Sunday, June 20, 2010

Donations please

I know you are busy. I am too. Perhaps we should eat more watermelon.... Or strawberries.
The above posting was nothing more then a shameless plug for my new camera. A Canon S90. It's got more bells and whistles on it then, well, something else with a lot of bells and whistles. Sure we won't make our mortgage this month, but look at those friggin berries.


  1. That picture ALMSOT makes watermelon look tasty.

  2. Yay yay! It's about time. Your blog is long overdue and looks great!! I look forward to being a regular contributor.

  3. Nice camera work. I bet you could make oatmeal look exciting.

  4. This is MUCH more interesting to look at- food wise- that is, than when I typed in
    and this is what I got:

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  5. Nice blog & photos Lucas. Looking forward someday to photos (and recipe please) of your lasagna.
